It was just supposed to be for the summer (pt. 2)

Piper laid her bag on the table and sat down on a the nearest chair. Her feet hurt something awful she wasn’t used to being on her feet.

Her aunt must’ve heard her come home because she soon came to talk to her and brought her some tea. “Hey kiddo. So how was work?”

Piper went on to explain her day only at the end telling about her plans for the evening “So that’s my day. In about an hour I’m meeting up with Tori and we are gonna meet Brayden somewhere to try to figure out what happened to his sister. It truly is awful. Can you tell me a little about her?

Belinda just sat there staring into her teacup for a minute before beginning. “Well, Lexi has always been a wild child. She got pregnant at a young age and after finding out, she married Bo, her sweetheart. That seemed to settle her down. She started coming back to church and it seemed like she was putting her wild ways behind. That is until now.”

“So she has run away before?” Piper asked.

“Never ran away like this. I mean she snuck around behind her parents back, but then I guess all teenagers do. Well I need to get ready. Madge and I are getting together for tea tonight.” Madge said as she got up to take her cup to the sink. “You dear have a nice time tonight.”

Piper handed her Aunt her teacup when she extended her hand to take it. “Thanks, you have a lovely time gossiping.” With that comment Piper saw her aunt smile. The two then went about getting ready for the evening.


Brayden waited on Tori and Piper while he drank his coffee. They were 15 minutes late,but then that was normal for Tori. The new girl however he had no idea about her but something made him want to know more about her. That thought however didn’t sit well with him either, so he quickly ignored it and tried once again to call Lexi even though he knew it was pretty much hopeless that she would answer.

Tori came right into the house not bothering to knock. Brayden and Lexi’s parents were pretty much like her own parents. “Sorry that I’m late. I couldn’t find my car keys.” She then spied Brayden’s cup of coffee. “So I see you started the coffee. Were you even gonna offer me and Piper some coffee?”

“Of course I was. You just got in the door so extend me some grace.” Brayden got up from his seat and headed to get two more cups of coffee. While he got the coffee, he heard Tori asking Piper about her family. He couldn’t hear her answer,but he wished he could. He finished pouring the coffee and because he didnt know how Piper liked her coffee he grabbed the creamer and sugar.

Both girls said thanks at the same time and then turned to eachother and said jinx and started laughing. Piper was the first to speak, “So what’s the plan. How are we going to find Lexi. My aunt Belinda told me a little and I asked Tori some questions on the way and I must say I agree with you about that this isnt her just getting away. If it would be then why hasn’t she done it previously in her four years of marriage?”

“That’s what I have been saying. The question is why did she leave then if that’s not the reason? She didnt even take Maisley with her.” When Brayden saw Piper’s confused glance, he quickly clarified for her. “Maisley is her four year old daughter.”

Piper let out a gasp,she couldn’t even imagine anyone voluntarily leaving thier child.”Oh, the poor girl must be so confused that her mommy isnt here. I suggest we try to find out what happened to Lexi. Did Lexi have anyone who didn’t like her?”

“Not likely, these last few years, Lexi was a changed person. She turned from the town rebel into a sweet angel. She was a stay at home mom so there was no work enemies. Brayden and I have tried so many times to figure who would be mad at her,” Tori said. There seemed to be a tinge of defeat in her voice even though she was trying to hide it.

Piper reached over and squeezed Tori’s hand. “We will find a loophole somewhere. What about her husband? Did they have a happy marriage?”

Tori seemed a little emotional so Brayden answered, “They had a pretty good marriage. Tom is worried sick about her. He keeps thinking that she will come home. They did have thier rough times. They got married when they were quite young, so it took some time. And I know you’re probably thinking that they could’ve hid thier marriage problems and your right, but Lexi wears her heart on her sleeve and we would’ve picked up on it.”

Everyone sat there lost in thier own thoughts for a while. Piper let out a long breathe. She didn’t know Lexi so it was kind of hard for her to help. “So if it isn’t anyone she knows or her husband, what about the old crowd she used to hang out with? Maybe something happened a long time ago and it’s only now coming out?”

Both Brayden and Tori turned to look at Piper. Could what Piper said be what they were missing the entire time. Tori looked af Brayden, unsure what to say, “Piper, you could be right. However most of the people, Lexi hung around we don’t even know and how were we to find out what happened so long ago?”

“Not only that, how are we to even find them? I guess it’s worth a try though.” Brayden said. The possibility of figuring something out had renewed his hope that maybe they would find Lexi.

Piper rubbed her hands together in anticipation. “Well guys, let’s get started because we will find Lexi.”

With that all three started talking about how to figure out about Lexi’s past.

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